Presentation guidelines

Oral Presentation Guidelines:

Invited and short oral presentations are planed during the conference. The time allocated for an invited lecture is 40 minutes (35 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for discussion). Contributed presentations are 20 minutes long (including up to 5 minutes for discussion).

Authors are expected to bring their presentation files (USB storage device preferred) to Speaker Check before the scientific section prior to the talk. The Microsoft PowerPoint or PDF is the recommended software to be used. The multimedia projector, a laptop as well as laser pointers and microphones will be available.

Technical assistance will be provided during each presentation. Authors can present using their own devices (tablets, laptops).

Poster Presentation Guidelines:

Posters should be no larger than A0 in portrait format (84 cm by 119 cm). Posters will be attached to the boards with adhesive tape which will be available in the poster hall.
The presenter must be an author of the poster and a registered attendee.